Pearl Gourami
Trichogaster leeri
The Pearl Gourami is not only one of the most attractive, but also one of the hardiest and easiest to keep of the gouramis. Accustomed to heavy vegetation in their natural habitat, they will thrive if given similar conditions in the aquarium. Floating plants, subdued lighting, and a dark substrate are ideal. Although they prefer soft acidic water, they are adaptable to a range of water conditions. This adaptability and their peaceful nature make them well suited to community tanks. However keeping them with overly aggressive tank mates should be avoided.
Pearl Gouramis will accept many foods, and are generally quite easy to feed. Flake, freeze dried, and frozen foods are all readily taken. For optimum health fresh vegetables such as lettuce, cooked peas, and spinach, may also be offered as part of a varied diet . Live foods such as black worms, brine shrimp, and glass worms are a good treat and conditioning food for breeding.
They grow up to 10 cm and live up to 8 years. temperature should be around 26'C.
Photo by Dusko Bojic
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