Aquarium Fish Gallery 1

This blog will give you general information's about some of the most popular aquarium species you can keep in your aqua-hobby. Join the Anabantoid, Livebearer and Characoid species. Happy fish-keeping !!!


Fancy Guppy

Poecilia reticulata
The Guppy is a fish-keeping mainstay and highly popular among novices. Many color forms have bean developed. Keep them in a well planted tank and in hard water with a pH over 7 with temp. around 27'C. Males are around 5cm and females are a bit bigger. Always keep two females per male. Guppies do breed readily, every 3-4 weeks they produce up to 40 young. They thrive much better in a group of 5 or more. Do not keep them with fin nippers like Barbs or Cichlids. Large fish will consume them. Some aquarists breed them as food for their large Cichlids.
This Poecilia eats virtually anything including their own young.

Photo by Dusko Bojic.