Aquarium Fish Gallery 1

This blog will give you general information's about some of the most popular aquarium species you can keep in your aqua-hobby. Join the Anabantoid, Livebearer and Characoid species. Happy fish-keeping !!!



Xiphophorus maculatus.
A good fish for a novice, the Platy comes in many commercially bred colour forms. It is ideal for a community aquarium and is best kept with smaller fish. Water temperature should be at 28'C and alkaline around 7.5 pH. They are very hardy fish and can tolerate the conditions of a newly set-up aquarium, making them ideal fish to help mature a tank system once nitrites have peaked.
Although not a shoaling fish they benefit by being kept with a large number of their own kind. Do not keep a drift wood in a livebearers tank cause it softens the water. Males grow up to 5.5cm, females up to 7 cm.
Platys are omnivorous and eat small live, frozen, flake and green foods. They are also known to eat algae.
Beware of one thing though !!! This fish breeds readily and will soon overpopulate your tank.

Photo by Dusko Bojic.